The T on the rail tracks coming out of a tunnel, approaching the Mt. Lebanon stop.

Roads & Transportation

Road Construction

In Mt. Lebanon, we have two types of road construction: Utility-related road repair, which happens when the gas, electric or water company dig into a street to make a repair. Most unplanned road repairs are this type. The municipality does not have control over when and where this type of repair happens. Sometimes, we are not even notified. If we are notified, we will place it on this page, under utility-related road repair.

We also have road surfacing and construction, which is part of the yearly municipal road improvement contract. We will always contact affected residents about this type of repair. We also will post it here every construction season so all drivers can become aware of it.

Municipal Safety

Utility-related road repair on Parse Way

The municipality needs to repair the masonry on the top deck of the North Parking Garage. We’ll need to close Parse Way near the repair, so there will be no thru traffic. Project starts March 4 and should last a week. Lease-holders in the garage and business parking will not be affected.

Pennsylvania American Water Company Work

Water line work coming this spring:

Vermont Ave./Roycroft Ave. (from 100 Roycroft Ave. to 145 Hoodridge Drive): DATES TBA

Richland Road/ Lindenwood Ave. (from Catalpa Plaza to 243 Lindenwood Ave.): DATES TBA

Crews will work on weekdays between 7 a.m. and 5 p.m. Traffic restrictions will be in place during
construction. The company expects to complete the main installation, including connecting all customer
service lines to the new mains, along with final restoration and paving, later this summer.

During construction, customers might experience temporary service interruptions, discolored water,
and/or lower-than-normal water pressure. Crews will work as quickly as possible to shorten the length of
these temporary inconveniences. For more information, contact Pennsylvania American Water’s customer
service center at 1-800-565-7292.

Pinewood, Maplewood, Arrowood

The water company will replace a 16-inch line on Pinewood Drive, Maplewood Drive and Arrowood Drive, starting Tuesday, February 11, with saw cutting of the pavement. Work will be from 7 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday through Friday. Residents in the area have been notified by telephone. No parking signs will be posted in the area where the crew is working. Mt. Lebanon police will be on scene. This phase is expected to be completed by April 1, weather permitting.

Residents will have access to their driveways during the work.

The next two phases of the project, which will include the installation of new service lines for each resident and the paving and restoration of disturbed properties will follow later. Residents will be notified.

Special arrangements can be made with the onsite supervisor to help relieve any unseen situations.

Communication Conduit Work, Bower Hill Road

The contractor is installing underground conduit and fiber optic cables along Bower Hill from Washington Road to the border with Scott Township. Residents can contact the following individuals with concerns about the work being done or restoration issues: Chris Luden, Thayer Group, (814) 490-2540, Mike Brennan, Thayer Group, (814) 323-1711, Teagan Kramer, Zayo, (303) 859-3532

Peoples Gas projects for 2025

Altadena, Inglewood, Crescent

Gas line replacement will take place on Altadena (entire length); Inglewood (from Crescent to Altadena) and Crescent (Woodhaven to Inglewood)

Work will start March 10 and continue through May 2, weather permitting

Peoples customer service line: 1-800-764-0111

Columbia Gas projects for 2025

We don’t have all information yet for this season’s project lineup but in some cases, we have estimated info. We’ll update this page as we know more. All completion dates are estimated and do NOT include road restoration, which Mt. Lebanon requires and will be completed later.

Jayson Avenue

Jayson Avenue (Rae to Mapleton)

Info to come

Oak Park Place

Oak Park Place (Cochran to dead end and entire Oak Park Place loop)

Start date: March 24 through June 27.

Castle Shannon Boulevard, Cooke Lane, Arlington Park, Crystal Drive

Work started on Castle Shannon, progressed to Cooke Lane, Crystal and Arlington. Cooke Lane will be closed during much of the work. You will have access to Rite Aid and the bank. Expected to last through November 22.

Anawanda Avenue (Castle Shannon to Tampa), Castle Shannon Blvd (Crystal to Scott), Cypress Way

Work along Castle Shannon Boulevard at Crystal. Night work will be necessary on September 18 and 19 from 8 p.m. to 6 a.m. Traffic will be down to one lane in the area of 375 and 450 Castle Shannon Boulevard, with flaggers and police on site to help direct drivers. Project itself expect to last until December.

Arden Road, Overlook Drive, North Meadowcroft Avenue, Beverly Road, Parker Drive, McFarland Road, Layton Avenue and Annapolis Avenue

Moved to later in 2025

Neulon Avenue, Midway Road, Parker Drive

Project not yet completed

Projects near us that may affect you

None at the moment but check back.


Learn how streets are selected for our municipal road improvement program on our Road Work 101 page.

The 2025 summer reconstruction program will be posted as soon as approved by the Commission.

View an Interactive Road Project Map  to view streets that were reconstructed in 2024.

Steps 1-2 from the linked Road Work page will be completed on all streets prior to Steps 3-6 being completed. Therefore there will be some time after work has started on your street when no one will be working, because they are completing work on the other streets.

The program is generally scheduled to begin in May and rebuilding your street will create some temporary inconvenience. We appreciate your patience as we work to complete a major project that will enhance our community and help ensure your street lasts for another 30 years. Unlike periodic patching and resurfacing, street reconstruction involves removing the old base, replacing deteriorated curb and installing new subsurface drainage before applying a new surface.

During the phases of reconstruction, you will not be able to park on your street. When you cannot use your street or driveway, you may park during the day and overnight on nearby streets where it is legal. You do not have to contact the police department. The municipality will notify the police department for you. Please be conscious of other residents when you are parking on the streets. Do not block driveways and be aware of residents’ need to have ample room to back out of their driveways when parking on the streets. The contractor will leave a notice at your front door a few days before construction begins.

Emergency fire, police and medical rescue service will continue as usual, and regular garbage pickup and mail delivery will be maintained. If your street is closed and you need to pick up or drop off a person with a disability or a medical condition, please talk with the Contractor’s foreman. If necessary, he can arrange to have that person transported out of the construction area.

If you are planning to move or are expecting a large delivery during the process, please notify the municipal engineer at (412) 409-2398 as soon as possible. Arrangements will be made if possible; however, you may need to modify your schedule. If you have an irrigation system or an invisible dog fence please let the Contractor’s foreman know prior to the start of construction. These systems are not marked on the surface so there is the potential for accidental removal by the contractor.


Check back for the Summer of 2025 project list.

View an Interactive Road Project Map  to view streets resurfaced in 2024.

Construction schedules may need to be revised during the project due to unforeseen issues, such as utility service conflicts. Also the schedule may be affected by poor weather conditions.

Brick Streets

Mt. Lebanon’s Historic Brick Streets are cherished parts of our neighborhood character. As such, the Mt. Lebanon Commission passed a brick streets policy in 2023 to help ensure the continuity of key brick roads. Read the policy here.