A closeup of the front of the Mt. Lebanon municipal building.


Inspections, Permits & Zoning

A code enforcement officer sitting in his car looking at an overgrown yard

The Inspection Office oversees all residential and commercial construction in Mt. Lebanon, both new construction and remodeling. We review plans for code compliance and issue building permits. The Inspection Office also inspects properties for compliance with the building, grading, health and safety, minimum property standards, solid waste and zoning chapters of the Mt. Lebanon Code.

Application for permission to develop land permit papers

Building Permit Requirements

Do not proceed with work without a permit. If work proceeds without a permit, the owner may be subject to fines determined by the magisterial district judge. Obtain a permit before beginning construction, alteration, replacing or repairing an existing structure. If you have any questions regarding the requirement of a building permit, the permit process, applications or Fee Schedule, please call the Inspection Office Monday through Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. at 412-343-3408. ALL COMMERCIAL PROJECTS REQUIRE PERMITS.

The Building Permit Application Process

Applications for various permits can be downloaded from this website or picked up from the Mt. Lebanon Inspections Office, 710 Washington Road, second floor, Pittsburgh, PA 15228 between 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday. You may also drop off completed applications and the required documents at this location.

Read the application thoroughly and carefully, and follow the instructions.

Zoning permits and some construction projects require a property survey. A property survey is a certified dimensioned drawing of property and improvements on the property. The Mt. Lebanon Inspection Office does not have surveys for each property. We only obtain them when they have been required for a permit and in which the property owner has provided it.

Generally residential building permits can be issued within 15 business days and commercial permits within 30 days. Zoning permits (e.g., air conditioning unit, driveway, fence, shed) are issued within 30 days. Once the building or zoning inspector reviews and approves the application, you will be notified by email and/or phone that the permit is ready and the total amount due. The permit and a copy of the approved plans can then be picked up in the inspections office on the second floor of the municipal building between 8:30 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. Monday through Friday. Payment can be made by Visa, MasterCard, the exact change in cash or a check made out to Mt Lebanon, PA.


If your construction project requires the use of a dumpster, placing it on the street requires a permit; please call Police Traffic Division at 412-343-4086 for details. Placing a dumpster on your property does not require a permit. Dumpsters shall not encroach onto any municipal sidewalk.

Inspections Consultations

Mt. Lebanon is announcing a new service meant to make life easier for residents and contractors ready to embark on projects: We are now offering Inspections Consultations. On the first Wednesday of each month, we’ll open our doors from 2 to 5 p.m. to talk to contractors or residents to answer questions, provide information and clarify state and local codes to expedite the permit application process. The benefit? Your permit application will be complete and will not get delayed while we wait for additional information from you.

Appointments will be for 30 minutes each, and you’ll need to preregister at (412) 343-3408. Please provide your name, address of project, phone number, email and the project or topic you wish to discuss.

When it’s time for your appointment, check in at the kiosk in the municipal building, 710 Washington Road and you’ll receive further instructions. If you would prefer to have your meeting over the phone, please let them know when you call to register. The cut-off for registration is 4 p.m. Friday before your meeting.  

You can always contact the inspections office Monday through Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. via email or phone, with questions or concerns, but this additional service will provide a more hands-on approach for specific proposals or ideas, 

We look forward to a smoother, faster application process. It will benefit us all.

Permit Application Information

Inspectors wearing hardhats and construction vests taking a a photo of a vent

Building Inspections

Inspections are required after obtaining building, electrical, plumbing or mechanical permits. There are several types of inspections required for new construction. The electrical, plumbing and mechanical inspections consist of a rough-in inspection and a final inspection.

Construction inspections may be obtained by calling (412) 343-3408. Requests for inspections cannot be left on voicemail. If no one answers, please call back. Inspections are made twice daily Monday through Friday from 10 a.m. to noon and from 2 p.m. to 4 p.m. All requests for inspections should be telephoned in before the above hours. When requesting an inspection please have the correct address and type of inspection ready.

Please note: If you plan to sell your home, make sure all inspections have been completed. Open permits can delay the process, as lien letters will not be issued if permits are open.

Footer Inspection

A footer inspection is required before concrete is poured. All reinforcing bar and supports must be in place for the inspection. All footings must be on virgin ground at least three (3) feet below finished grade. For any new construction, a foundation survey is required before placing the structure.

Pre-Lath Requirements

The rough framing inspection is done after the electrical inspection and the plumbing rough-in, but before installing insulation or interior covering.

Electrical Inspection

National Electrical Code
An electrical inspection is needed depending upon the project. It is required for the installation of new electrical service equipment, existing service relocation, service increases, as well as fixed appliances and equipment connections. Information may be obtained by contacting Middle Department Inspection Agency, 1 (800) 362-6342. Proof of approval is sent to the Mt. Lebanon Inspection Office.

Plumbing Inspection

Allegheny County Plumbing Code

Plumbing inspections are done by the Bureau of Environmental Health. Contact Allegheny County Plumbing at (412) 922-6173. Proof of approval is sent to the Mt. Lebanon Inspection Office.

Storm Water

Storm water from roof and area drains shall not drain into any sanitary sewer. All drainage work must be inspected before it is covered. Please call the Inspection Office at (412) 343-3408.

Insulation Inspection

An insulation inspection is required after the framing inspection has been approved.

Drywall/Wallboard Inspection

Drywall inspection is required prior to mudding/finishing to ensure fastening methods.

Final Inspection

When necessary, a certificate of occupancy application is filed at the same time as the application for a building permit. A final certificate of occupancy is released by the building inspector before the building or an addition can be occupied.

A construction worker and man shaking hands

Code Enforcement Officer

You may contact the code enforcement officer weekdays between 8:30 a.m. and 5 p.m. If you have questions regarding compliance with the code, violations or assistance concerning a citation you have received or wish to report a violation, call the code enforcement officer at (412) 343-4584. The code officer enforces the health and safety ordinance by inspecting all related structures to ensure compliance with the Chapter 7 maintenance code, the Health and Safety code and issues notices of violations as required.

Considering renovating, repairing or expanding your home?

Check out our Historic Home page, including the Mt. Lebanon Design Guide, a great resource for making good choices that will enhance the architectural style of your home and build value. Good information on roofs, doors, windows, porches, masonry, landscaping, lighting and many other things. The page also includes information on how to select a contractor.

A mouse bursting through a white wall


Norway rats, the most common pest rodent in this area, are semi-aquatic by habit and are frequently found living in close association with man.

Helpful Tips

  • Homeowners, especially those living in close proximity to a drainage ditch or stream, are urged to keep yard areas neatly cut and trimmed.
  • Pet owners are urged to give their pets only the amount of food that they will consume at a single feeding, and to clean up after their pets on a daily basis.
  • Store garbage in 20-30 gallon cans with tight-fitting lids.
  • Firewood should be stored at least six inches off the ground. Bird feeders will contribute to a rat infestation problem.

Report Rodents & Request an Inspection Visit

To report rodent harbor-ages please call Code Enforcement at (412) 343-4584.

Additional information on Rodent Control and Pesticide Hypersensitivity

Rat poison: This method of pest control can take several days to kill a rat, during which time, the rat can be consumed by other predator animals. The poison then harms those predators, including hawks, owls and foxes. Those very animals help keep the rodent population under control, so we have a vested interest in keeping the predators healthy. Please consider using rat control products that are not poison, such as RatX Bait Discs.

Requests for projects in the National Historic District

Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966 (NHPA) requires federal agencies to consider the effects on historic properties of projects they carry out, assist, fund, permit, license, or approve throughout the country. If a federal or federally-assisted project has the potential to affect historic properties, a Section 106 review will take place.

Section 106 gives the ACHP, interested parties, and the public the chance to weigh in on these matters before a final decision is made. This process is an important tool for citizens to lend their voice in protecting and maintaining historic properties in their communities.

All Section 106 requests should be directed to the staff liaison to the Resiliency Advisory Board, which handles historic preservation issues. They can be sent to Eric Milliron, 710 Washington Road, Pittsburgh, PA, 15228.